The ENFJ is the people organizer—warm, harmonious, and an enthusiastic champion of people who just wants to “do good.” They make sure the needs of the people are paramount, placed in pole position on the agenda, and that those needs are taken care of.

ENFJs are excellent networkers who tune into what others want and are generally well-liked and popular among their colleagues.

ENFJs have a tendency to bite off more than they can chew, as their first priority is to say “yes” to take the burden off of others. During such times, the ENFJ may feel weighed down by the amount of work that they have committed to complete and they may become overwhelmed.

This desire to “do good” can also mean that the ENFJ sees pleasing others as far more important than pleasing themselves, so they may run the risk of trading honesty for harmony, of keeping the peace rather than telling it like it is.

Do you want to learn more about your type? Register for our online course: Perfect ENFJ Balance: Make People Happy While Getting Things Done. Personality type expert, Penelope Trunk, will show you how to leverage your ENFJ strengths to accomplish more in your life.


  • Responsible
  • Popular and sociable
  • Charismatic charm
  • Warmly enthusiastic

Areas of Growth

  • Take time for yourself
  • Set priorities and stick to them
  • Be open-minded and listen
  • Seek out an objective viewpoint


ENFJs have a global attitude toward most situations, and they prefer to deal with abstractions. For them, ideas, dreams, and aspirations are as real as reality itself.


  • Control over workload and schedule
  • Being valued for contributions
  • Feeling connected with others
  • Honest and open communication


  • Confrontational relationships
  • Criticism
  • Absence of trust
  • Work that violates personal values

To function at their best

ENFJs thrive when they have the opportunity to lead people, especially through face-to-face interaction. They appreciate harmony and support for their ideas. Recognition, appreciation, and a cause or leader to work for are all things that help ENFJs be their best.


Being close to an ENFJ is to be cared for and looked after by someone who is really insightful and tunes into how you are feeling. The problem that often occurs is that the ENFJ cares with such intensity that the significant other may take them for granted, perhaps believing that the ENFJ is so self-assured that they need very little in return. Indeed, they do not need much—just to be appreciated and to see the recipient appreciating their efforts. While ENFJs will encourage trust and openness, they may not be open about how they are feeling; they may not think about that when they are so focused on caring and organizing for others.

ENFJ at work

ENFJs will bring structure and impetus while at the same time making sure everyone’s needs are taken care of. The ENFJ will assume the leadership role simply because they want to drive for closure and ensure that people are happy. They need to satiate their need for action and passion for people. The ENFJ loves a plan, a clear picture of where they are going, and they will work diligently toward the end goal. The ENFJ will feel less comfortable with too many options.

In a work setting, the ENFJ will be the harmonious team builder: good at maintaining group morale, accentuating the positive, and encouraging contributions from all team members, making the team more open and participative. The ENFJ may not be the most creative or the one who has the best ideas, but he or she will be the one who drives for closure and brings people along, too.

Do you want to learn more about your type? Register for our online course: Perfect ENFJ Balance: Make People Happy While Getting Things Done. Personality type expert, Penelope Trunk, will show you how to leverage your ENFJ strengths to accomplish more in your life.

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  • Are you a natural leader?
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