Email Pitching Bootcamp

Most people think pitching is something only publicists and sales managers do. The reality is that professionals in every industry can use pitching to further their career or grow their business.

This course will teach you how to create an effective strategy that will turn your BIG IDEA into an actionable plan. This highly-interactive, four-part workshop will help you build a solid sales foundation. We will show you how to identify your target customer, build your network and create an engaging pitch that will move your ideas forward.

Here are some of the specific types of pitching we will cover:

-Cold pitching your startups to investors
-Selling advertising and sponsorship deals to brands
-Landing new clients for your freelance or consulting business
-How successful startups pitch their products to corporate partners
-Landing coverage in national media outlets
-Getting funding for your company

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Email Pitching Bootcamp


Penelope Trunk

Quistic is the fourth startup Penelope has founded. Earlier in her career she was a journalist syndicated by the New York Times and played professional beach volleyball. Inc. magazine called Penelope “the world’s most influential career coach.”

Cassie Boorn

Cassie is an independent consultant who specializes in online marketing & public relations. She has a highly successful track record in creating powerful digital marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 brands including Disney, Target, Estee Lauder, Starwood Hotels and many more. Her work has been featured in Forbes, NPR and the New York Times.

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  • Pitching is the art of introducing an opportunity that offers the other party something of value in exchange for something that is valuable to you. Learn how to use pitching strategies to reach your individual business & career goals.
  • The secret to a successful pitch is finding a strategic way to tell your story. We will show you how to turn your BIG IDEA into an effective sales pitch. It doesn’t really matter what you are selling—advertising, software, freelance services, whatever.
  • We will show you how to write an effective email pitch, and give you a template you can apply to your own business. Networking in todays world has nothing to do with cocktail parties, and everything to do with connecting online. A cold email pitch is like a first impression. We will show you how to make a good one.
  • People make huge mistakes when writing emails. They send mass emails from corporate email addresses. They have some obnoxious signature at the bottom of their email. Maybe they follow up seven times without giving a specific request.
  • You will leave this session with a clear understanding of how you should structure your pitch, and an ebook full of email pitching templates that that garnered a 40% response rate.


  • Learn how to identify the decision-maker in any company, and the secret to creating a pitch that will get their attention. We will show you how to get past gatekeepers and spend time with decision makers.
  • Get an inside look at how major companies approach sales prospecting and lead generation. We will show you how to take that system, and apply it to your business in a way that increases the number of leads you are able to generate on a consistent basis.
  • How to create a pipeline of prospective buyers. We will show you how to identify the best person within the company to pitch, and give you all of our tricks for finding their contact information.
  • Optimizing your sales cycle.Once you know the type of people you are trying to pitch, you can create a process that shortens your sales cycle and allows you to control cashed flow.
  • We will show you how to create a plan that will increase your leads, shorten your sales cycle and help you close more deals. At the end of this session, you will have a plan for securing leads for your big idea, and a template for managing your pitching efforts.


  • The perfect pitch is worth nothing if you cant close sales. We will show you how to negotiate effectively, and push deals forward in a way that increases the number of sales you close.
  • Learn how to create a customized plan for each sales call, and the secrets to adjusting your plan on the fly. We will show you what to listen for in the prospects initial reactions, and show you how build rapport with almost anybody.
  • You cant be amazing at pitching if you don’t know how to close a deal. We will show you how to negotiate in a way that helps you close deals more quickly, and give you a guide for discussing budget and money issues.


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