Curious, childlike wonder characterizes ENTPs.

They are flexible, open-minded, and love possibilities. They tend to view everything as a challenge and see opportunities even in the most difficult of circumstances.

ENTPs are basically optimists, and major setbacks tend to be seen as challenges that are tackled with determination. But smaller, less significant issues can really get to them, making them irritable and impatient.

ENTPs can become frustrated with those they consider wrong or less intelligent, and they will, on occasion, show little restraint in demonstrating their feelings.

ENTPs are often verbally and cerebrally quick. They generally love to critique, argue, and engage in robust discussionoften for its own sakeand to demonstrate their impressive linguistic skills.

ENTPs are as innovative and ingenious at problem-solving and verbal gymnastics as they are bored with routine, detail, and the times when it is clear that “this has been done before.”

Do you want to learn more about your type? Register for our online course: No One’s Got Ideas Like an ENTP. Here’s How to Use Them. Personality type expert, Penelope Trunk, will show you how to leverage your unique ENTP strengths to accomplish more in your life.


  • Creative thinker
  • Stimulating company
  • Alert and outspoken
  • Can argue both sides of an issue
  • Confident in their abilities

Areas of Growth

  • Pay attention to detail
  • Recognize value in other styles
  • Finish projects before starting something new
  • Don’t take on too much at once


The basic attitude of ENTPs is one of skepticism. While they are open to new ideas, they are skeptical of their validity until logically proven otherwise. They find the ambiguous fascinating and also may be driven to seek clarity.


  • Variety and challenging work
  • Autonomy
  • Being taken seriously
  • Creating innovative solutions to problems
  • Adequate unstructured time


  • Being rushed to reach closure
  • Being overwhelmed with details
  • Having their competency doubted
  • Micromanagers
  • Bound to strict rules that limit creativity

(Note: ENTPs and ESTPs tie for having the lowest stress levels of all types.)

To function at their best

ENTPs thrive in a working environment where they can go from one project to another, solving major problems and leaving the details to others. They need recognition and support for their ideas.


ENTPs move from one exciting situation to another—this is from where they derive their immense energy. ENTPs are capable of energizing people and making them feel special. They are also capable of moving on quickly when the situation does not provide the feedback they need. ENTPs may be difficult to keep up with, but it will be an exhilarating and memorable journey. ENTPs are often confused with ENFPs because of their people skills and their ability to charm, cajole, persuade, and get what they want from others.

ENTP at work

ENTPs are creative, fresh, and interested in a variety of things—whatever takes their interest at that moment, preferably the new, the novel, the exciting. They are excellent at reading people and situations and possess a wide range of views, interests, and knowledge.

ENTPs are unconventional, sporadic, and use bursts of energy to work with an enthusiasm that can be almost tangible. Verbally quick and incisive, ENTPs have a great gift for language. They are clever with words and are happy to demonstrate this.

An aspect of the ENTP character that can alienate those around them over time is that they may continually fail to follow through on their commitments—especially to those whom they have invited close.

ENTPs are excellent at considering and selling future possibilities. Their energy, enthusiasm, optimism, and plausibility mean that people tend to want to follow them. They are excellent at selling the vision and will happily take risks and bounce back from setbacks, ready for the next big thing.

ENTPs are among the highest paid of all types—and the type most dissatisfied with their salaries.  

Do you want to learn more about your type? Register for our online course: No One’s Got Ideas Like an ENTP. Here’s How to Use Them. Personality type expert, Penelope Trunk, will show you how to leverage your unique ENTP strengths to accomplish more in your life.  

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