ENTJ: Accomplish whatever you want. Then do it again.
ENTJs are born leaders with huge drive and determination. Happiness for an ENTJ is in the joy of achievement, and this course will show you how to craft a life full of big challenges and big victories.
ENTJs like things to go fast and efficiently and don’t have a lot of patience for people who can’t do that. But you can’t meet your lofty goals alone. So this course will give you shortcuts for connecting with a wide rang of personality types so both your team and family run more smoothly.
Purchase this course for access anytime.


Penelope Trunk
Penelope Trunk has been writing online and coaching professional writers for more than a decade. She has published 5 books, and had her advice syndicated in more than 200 newspapers. Penelope taught writing at Harvard, Brown, and the University of Paris.
What People are Saying about this Course:
Loved the class. I love that it felt like concentrated jewels of content delivered directly into my brain with no BS around them. Thank you for that, Penelope. I hate sitting in class.
Day One: Three keys to ENTJ success.
The pitch. How to talk about any idea you have so that you can get money, or buy in, or team allocation so you can make your vision a reality. Talking about your big ideas is the way you get your big-ideas done. So you need to be great at conveying your vision to whoever is listening. I'll show you how to do that. In fact, it's my favorite thing to do.
The resume. The top of corporate life ENTJ-land. Which means that's where you belong. But you need a resume that projects who you are so the people who read the resume know you fit right there with them, at the top. I'll show you how to write a powerful resume that will get you in the door whenever you need knock.
The team. You need to be a person who has a team that follows you whenever you go. Key players come with. They bring their friends. You attract great candidates and people watch what you do. This is what needs to happen in order for you to always have a team you can trust to implement your plans. In effect, you need to become the world's most effective recruiter. And if you've never lead a team, this session will show you why leadership is your strong suit.
Day 2: ENTJ hurdles you must overcome.
Understand what other people care about. Only 2% of the world is an ENTJ. So you have to be able to relate to other people. Not everyone has your high standards. Not everyone thrives on setting goals for themselves and not everyone lives in the future. Some people can't see it at all, and they're fine with that. This session will show you how to meet people where they are and get the best from them when interacting with them.
Set your own standards for good parenting. The loneliness and boredom of parenting is huge for an ENTJ because there is no one to lead (try leading a two-year-old) and there is no one to bounce ideas off of. But the ENTJ thrives as a parent if they run their family like they run a company - organized, peaceful, and meeting each person's needs; ENTJs can't help but want to improve things -- a product, a relationship, a soccer team -- whatever the ENTJ is involved in, the ENTJ can see how it could be better and take action to make improvements.
Gain confidence as a rule breaker. ENTJs are incredibly self-confident to the point of being intimidating to even the most confident types. The area ENTJs waver is when they find themselves breaking lots of rules. It's often unclear if it's normal to break the rules or dysfunctional. In fact, ENTJs and ENTPs are the only two types who have both the self-confidence and independence to truly thrive as rule-breakers. We'll talk about what makes effective rule-breaking and how to deal with other peoples' inability to break rules.
Day 3: Set up a life an ENTJ would love
Setting goals. The goals other people have are not appropriate for the ENTJ. Because you are a goal-meeting machine. So set lofty goals that will make a difference to you if you meet them. And create a team to help you hit that goal. The process of picking a goal, meeting it and picking another is what makes you tick. Set these processes in place wherever you go.
Career achievements. You have more options than other types when it comes to career. For example, startup life is great for you, as long as you have an idea. So I'll show you how to come up with an idea and evaluate a partner to execute the idea. And career change is easier for you because it's mostly about self-confidence, which you have a lot of. I'll show you how to figure out where you'll find the most success and how to steer yourself in that direction.
A well-run personal life. We'll discuss the best way to set up a family so it runs smoothly and meets the needs of all the family members. You'll find out who is the best partner for an ENTJ. And you'll learn key factors for a creating an organized, rewarding family without overwhelming people with your very high-standards. Also: ENTJs have a secret superpower for balancing their personal life and their work life and I'll tell you what this is.
Special bonus: people tell what they have had to do to get along with the ENTJ in their life. We'll hear from a range of people on what it's like working with an ENTJ. Preview:
"His ability to make money is astounding. He's a magnet for money."
"No one has ever been so rude to me in my entire life."
"How does she get all that done?"
Day 4: Ask me anything! This is the night we talk about specific issues you have about life as an ENTJ or any other topic you want to address.