Understand Your Child's Personality Type
Every parent will be more successful if they understand their child’s personality type. It’s unbelievable that personality type information is not more widely distributed to parents, because it’s so incredibly helpful for becoming a great guide for your child.
You can tell a child’s personality type as young as three years old, and personality type remains largely unchanged throughout life. It’s how you are born. So much of parenting ends up being a struggle against a child’s type when in fact, any child can excel if you ask that child to be the best version of who they are.
This four-day course will give you the tools you need to understand your child’s personality type, and leverage that to create a parenting plan that will leave both of you feeling fulfilled.
Purchase this course for access anytime.


Penelope Trunk
Penelope Trunk has been writing online and coaching professional writers for more than a decade. She has published 5 books, and had her advice syndicated in more than 200 newspapers. Penelope taught writing at Harvard, Brown, and the University of Paris.
What People are Saying about this Course:
Your child personality class was so super-ultra helpful!! It didn't really click until the last night, but finally figured out Leelee is an INFP, and that explains sooo much. As an SJ, I have been a vulture mom all these years. No wonder she drives me crazy and I make her sad. Sigh. At least we can make some changes now, and that shift in perspective that you provide is key. What an awesome class--thanks again! Everyone should take your class!
I just finished up the course videos yesterday and learned so much! Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a direct, clear, and organized way.
This course includes four days of on-demand video sessions and email-based course materials. You can purchase this course for anytime, on-demand access.
Featuring an Live interview with international personality type expert, Paul Tieger.
- Learn the basics of personality typing so you can figure out the type for each of your family members.
- Understand how to apply this system to children as young as three years old. We are each born with our personality. The earlier a parents knows their child's type the more effective parenting can be.
- Understand the core needs of each type and what factors drive the type to be motivated and attain fulfillment. And, beware: you child's type is not always similar to your own.
Featuring a live interview with personality type parenting expert, Janet Penley.
- Understand your own strengths and weaknesses as a parent based on your own personality type.
- Find your hot buttons. By knowing how your particular type reacts in different situations, you can discover your personal tools for being the best parent you can be.
- Play to your strengths by recognizing where you can make the biggest positive impact on your kids, and focusing there so you feel confident in your parenting.
- Create family harmony. Most people have a different personality type than their child. Harmony comes when we understand those differences and work with them instead of against them..
- Navigate the intersection of your type and your child's type. Know what situations will bring out the best and the worst in you two and why.
- Communicate more effectively with your child. When speaking to anyone, you are more effective if you focus on the core motivators of their personality type. This is true of children as well.
Get all of your personality type parenting questions answered live!